Cheap Flights to United Kingdom

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About United Kingdom

For such a small country, England has had a disproportionately say in the way world has turned over the centuries. It is a land of contradictions and beauty that those who consider it and London to be one and the same things will find as a great shock once they actually real English life for themselves.

London is undoubtedly its capital. It is one of the few real global capitals. Cheap flights to England and London are aplenty thanks to London’s four major airports. Once there those who travel to England will get to experience the picture postcard image of England, with Buckingham Palace, the Beefeaters, London Bridge, Big Ben, and the Houses of Parliament. All of these things do exist just as they appear in TV or the movies and they are as impressive and symbolic in real life as they appear on the screen. There is another London though, in face there are many. London is a huge melting pot of cultures, which is home to a great many of people whose original birth place was in the Commonwealth’s foreign lands such as India and the Caribbean. The influence of these people and all of the other immigrants who came here to make a new and better life for themselves have had a true and lasting impact on this city which is a long way from the image of the Queen and her corgis!

Outside of London the cities in the North of Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, and Leeds are all vibrant cities in their own right that are forever fighting to assert their own identity on the country as a counterpoint to London. Manchester is a modern rejuvenated city, full of fast living, long nights, and now two of the world’s strongest football teams. Newcastle, a city beside the water of Tyne, is a great place renowned for its nightlife. Liverpool is the home of the Beatles and the only Tate Gallery outside of London, and Leeds is a shoppers paradise with the amazing landscapes of the Yorkshire Dales just on its doorstep.

For those who travel to England though perhaps the biggest appeal is that of the culture. England is a country of ancient castles, majestic country houses, and Shakespeare! With cheap flights to England being offered internally it is very easy for those who travel to England to experience all of the beauty that this special country has to offer. No matter where you are, you will never be far from a castle, a country home, or simply a quant English village that looks as though time has forgotten it.

Flighthub offers the cheapest flights to England and these can be taken up at any time of the year as this is a country that does not suffer from extreme weather. It is very rarely too hot, even in the summer, and whilst winters can be cold they are never prohibitively so.

Taking advantage of all that England has to offer is easy due to the size of the country. Flights to England arrive at all of the major airports and give easy access to a whole host of places no matter where you arrive. Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral are easily reached from the lovely city of Bristol, and further south in Cornwall and the Cotswold the visitor can experience natural beauty not associated with the stereotypical image of this land. And of course for those great lovers of literature, there is the opportunity to walk in Wordsworth’s footsteps in the amazing scenery of the Lake District, and no visit would be complete with a stay in Shakespeare’s own home town, Stratford, where the world renowned RSA still continue to show his plays on a daily basis.

England is not just the Queen, James Bond, and top hats. It is a diverse and vibrant country full of breath taking natural beauty and quaint villages you will want to stay forever. Try it

Information about travelling to United Kingdom

  • Age structure of United Kingdom
    0-14-years 17.3%
    15-24-years 12.6%
    25-54-years 41%
    55-64-years 17.5%
    65-years-and-over 17.3%
  • The population of United Kingdom
    59 647 790 (20th)
  • Cellphone owners in United Kingdom
    82.109 million (18th)
  • Languages of United Kingdom
  • Energy generated from United Kingdom
    Fossil fuels 75%
    Nuclear fuels 11%
    Hydroelectricity 1%
    Other renewable sources 8%
  • Paved roadways of United Kingdom
    394 428 km

    (includes 3 519 km of expressways)