There's a few tricks you should know to help you find our cheapest flights we have available. If you plans are flexible then you'll be able to take advantage or our 'flex date' options to really maximize your savings.
Are your dates flexible?
If your dates are flexible you could save up to %30 just by moving your travel dates by one or two days. Most people don't realize that it is much more expensive to travel during weekends or holidays. But sometimes the airlines offer weekend deals if their sales are slow for that period, so it's never a guarantee that it will be cheaper on weekends. We'll show you all the options so you can see what's available.
Traveling Domestic?
Domestic travel is an extremely competitive market. Airlines are constantly competing for the best prices on the most popular routes, and we know how to show you the best fares available from all airlines. Our custom search algorythm put all the saving at the forefront so you know where the deals are happening at any given moment.
Don't mind layovers?
It's no secret direct flights are always more expensive than ones with one or two stops along the way. But this is not always the case. Using our filters it is possible to find good deals on direct flights anywhere around the world. Our algorythm fishes for these exceptions and gives them priority over other results if the dates match your travel plans. Make sure to click the 'Best Value' button at the top of the results page!