Cheap Flights to Galati

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How much do things cost in Galati?
Taxi start CAD 0.70
1 Pair of Jeans CAD 175.21
Combo meal at McDonalds CAD 6.57
Potato (1kg) CAD 0.77
Utilities (Electricity, Heating, ...) for medium apartment CAD 160.19
Water bottle (1.5 liter) CAD 1.09
Rice (white) CAD 1.75
Milk (1 liter) CAD 1.53
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre CAD 251.86
Coke bottle CAD 2.09
* All price are converted to USD

About Galati

Galati in the Moldavia region in eastern Romania lies on the banks of the river Danube. Lovers of literature will recall the town as being the port where Count Dracula came ashore during his flight back to Transylvania. The town is a big tourist attraction for its heritage buildings, museums, nature’s bounty and a vibrant cultural life. Located just 151 km from Bucharest, it is easy to get in by road and rail, however the many cheap flights to Gulati via the Bac?u airport has given the town’s tourism a big boost.

Galati has a number religious buildings; the Monastery of Precista, built on the site of a former church houses a remarkable collection of ecclesiastical art. Besides serving as a place of worship, it also functioned as an observation tower for the town’s defence. There are quite a few interesting fortifications that survive to this day. The Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Lower Danube – St. Andrew was first built in 1906 and is now beautifully restored. It is visited by many for the remnants of St. Nectarios of Aegina that were instituted there in 2006 at the time of the church’s centennial celebrations. The Greek Church is interesting for its cruciform tower with a couple of bell towers, icon portraying Virgin Mary with infant Jesus, the resurrections and various saints. There are eight beautiful stained windows depicting the holy apostles. The Church Mavromol, dating back to 1669, has an extremely interesting architecture and interior decorations. Availing one of the cheap flights to Galati just for the heritage is well worth it.

Galati has a number of parks; the Mihai Eminescu Municipal Park houses a statue of Mihai Eminescu and is a great place to hear the military bands. The Botanical Garden on the Danube’s left bank has an amazing plant collection of over 3000, a Japanese garden and over 200 varieties of roses. Garboavele Zoo and Reserve is home to many exotic species. The waterfront is a wonderful place to relax, walk and have a meal on the floating restaurants. The city has a lively cultural ambiance; to enjoy it better, staying back for the weekend at one of the many hotels in Galati is recommended.

Information about travelling to Galati

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(ROL) = CAD 1(CAD)

Airports near Galati

Bacau (Bacau)