Cheap Flights to Puerto San Jose

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How much do things cost in Puerto San Jose?
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.16
Chicken breasts at the market USD 5.93
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 53.31
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 369.79
Eggs (12) USD 1.80
Imported beer at restaurant USD 1.92
Taxi 1km USD 1.92
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 11.51
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.24
* All price are converted to USD

About Puerto San Jose

Escuintla department in Guatemala houses the very beautiful city of Puerto San José. This is the particular place in Escuintla that can give you the perfect getaway by the beach. Cheap flights to Puerto San José may happen very rarely but they are definitely worth it because of the long land travel that you must take to reach the place. It is in the easternmost coast of the country, thus it is just usual to encounter a few public vehicles going in and out of the place especially during the off season. Taking a car with you is not also advisable because the roads are not paved so well. There are high chances of you getting stuck in an unlikely place without getting help.

Dipping in the crystal waters of the beach here in Puerto San José will be your reward after all the sacrifices that you got along the way. You will forget all the endless road trips that you have encountered right when you see the beauty of the sunset waiting for you. Hotels in Puerto San José is growing in number. You will have to book for one because camping beside the sea is not advisable. High tide will keep you worried all night long if you are just sleeping in a tent.

This is considered as the biggest and most populated place in the right side of Guatemala but it is so admirable because the place is not abused. A mountain sits just across the beach. A lot of boats are bound to go the area. Renting one can also add to the adventure that you would like to experience when you are here at Puerto San José. Some go trekking in that area. Others let the night pass in the woods because it is safer there than the shore. For some, just a nap by the shades provided by the huge trees that go there already completes the experience.

Tourism will go a long way if the government in this area will aim for the increase in the number of cheap flights to Puerto San José. They will just have to maintain the strict implementation of rules, though.

Information about travelling to Puerto San Jose

  • Maximum temperature during the year in Puerto San Jose
    39 °C
  • Average temperature in winter for Puerto San Jose
    30 °C
  • Average temperature in summer for Puerto San Jose
    30 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(GTQ) = USD 0.13(USD)