Cheap Flights to Jocotenango

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How much do things cost in Jocotenango?
Tomato (1kg) USD 0.85
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre USD 391.90
Loaf of white bread USD 3.54
Water bottle (1.5 liter) USD 1.09
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 76.76
Fitness club, monthly fee for 1 adult USD 30.06
Taxi start USD 2.56
Local draught beer USD 2.30
* All price are converted to USD

About Jocotenango

Jocotenango, or also known as Xocotenango, is a Guatemalan municipality that welcomes numerous tourists that wish to explore the city. Tourism increased as the city enhanced its attractions to meet with the modern travelers’ preferences. Cheap flights to Jocotenango can be booked online and are gaining utmost popularity among tourists who wish to enjoy the place.

One of the important sites to visit is the flora and fauna areas preserved in the city. Considering its geographical location, the place is famous for having the richest flora and fauna site that promote the beautiful nature heritage nurtured by the place. In this area, you will find a lot of trees ranging from cypress, oak and others that contribute to its socioeconomic value. These natural resources are not only considered as valuable tourist destinations but also greatly contribute to the place’s economy.

Aside from the beautiful sites, you can also take advantage of seeing a wide array of animals while in the place. These sites serve as the home of numerous animals that attract travelers who love flora and fauna. Examples of animals living in the place are mouse opossum, squirrels, hawks and a lot more. Hence, you will find endemic animals that give you a relaxing experience upon seeing them in action in their natural habitats.

In terms of a cultural tour, hotels in Jocotenango can also be found near cultural heritage sites like the La Azotea Cultural Center. This fine establishment is famous for having museums that showcase the place’s culture. Once a large coffee land, this site is currently a top visited location in the place.

Finally, you will also find a lot of different local establishments offering items and delicacies in the place. In these locations, you will have the opportunity to taste their fine meals and take pleasure on a memorable tour.

By looking online, cheap flights to Jocotenango will let you travel the area at the cheapest price possible together with other services that you may need. As long as you search online, you will find the best deals possible so you can save money while booking a remarkable trip.

Information about travelling to Jocotenango

  • Maximum temperature during the year in Jocotenango
    32 °C
  • Minimum temperature during the year in Jocotenango
    4 °C
  • Average temperature in summer for Jocotenango
    23 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(GTQ) = USD 0.13(USD)