Cheap Flights to Patzicia

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How much do things cost in Patzicia?
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 0.70
Mid-range restaurant USD 21.51
Coke bottle USD 0.92
Pack of cigarettes USD 2.00
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 53.31
Apples (1kg) USD 3.03
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 97.02
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 369.79
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 11.51
Oranges (1kg) USD 2.16
* All price are converted to USD

About Patzicia

People have different reasons to travel and most people like to go far from the place where they live or work because they want to find a place where they can get away from it all. People want to take a break from all the headaches that city life never fails to give them. From your stressful work load to the dirty dishes that you have to wash when you get home – all of these give you the feelings that you need a vacation. Because of these situations, other people find it best to go to a different place that could possibly give them rest. Now if you want to travel to a place that has a kind of life far from the urban life, Patzicía, Guatemala is a very nice place to do so.

First, you will need to find cheap flights to Patzicía through Guatemala for you to reach this place. This is never a problem for anybody. You will never run out of flights to Guatemala since there are so many available airlines ready to offer you competitive rates and almost all of these airlines provide daily flights to Guatemala. Now, you can already stop stressing yourself about having to seek for cheap flights to Patzicía. Once you reach this town, the first thing that you need to do is to understand that you went there not to have a luxurious life but to experience life in its simplest state.

In Patzicía, you will not only enjoy a peaceful life. Your eyes, too, will surely feast on the beautiful landscapes that you can find here. There are many stone walls around the area. There are also vegetable farms and different bodies of water that will surely make your trip really worthwhile. Sunsets and sunrises in Patzicía are also far more beautiful than the ones you see from buildings.

You would never have to look for hotels in Patzicía. There are several houses that you can rent around the area and these are enough to accommodate you and your needs. You will never have to think about paying high amounts for this trip to be enjoyable.

Information about travelling to Patzicia

  • Maximum temperature during the year in Patzicia
    32 °C
  • Minimum temperature during the year in Patzicia
    4 °C
  • Average rain for this month in Patzicia
    0 mm
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(GTQ) = USD 0.13(USD)