Cheap Flights to Cuilapa

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Home Page    Cheap flights    Central America    Guatemala    Cuilapa
How much do things cost in Cuilapa?
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 5.12
Mid-range restaurant USD 21.51
Coke bottle USD 0.92
1 Pair of men leather shoes USD 78.89
Utilities (Electricity, Heating, ...) for medium apartment USD 102.46
Apartment (3 bedrooms) outside of centre USD 552.80
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 0.70
Pack of cigarettes USD 2.00
Oranges (1kg) USD 2.16
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.24
* All price are converted to USD

About Cuilapa

Visiting Guatemala could be a very great idea if you are traveling in the months between November and April. During these dates, the skies are really clear and you will be able to go out and about in the different cities of this country. Guatemala is a country that has so much to offer to its visitors and it would really be a waste if you go there and not be able to make the most out of the trip that you just had. When going to Guatemala, Cuilapa is one of the towns that you should never miss.

If you are getting cheap flights to Cuilapa, one thing that you should always remember is to go online and look for flight search engines. There are so many websites online that can assist you in looking for the flight that you are trying to find. There are so many ways that you can do to find flights online. Also, if you are booking for cheap flights to Cuilapa, make sure that you are free on the schedule that you have taken for the trip to avoid changes in the fare rate. Once you have already reached this place, what you will need is a nice and decent place to spend your Cuilapa nights in. You do not have to worry about looking for a place that can accommodate you. Hotels in Cuilapa, houses for rent and apartments are just around the corners of this town. You can even ask for help from travel agencies if you are not that confident that it will be easy for you to find one.

Cuilapa has many breath-taking views. There are bridges overlooking amazing bodies of water such as lagoons and lakes. Furthermore, what Cuilapa can boast of the most is the wonderful complex of a dormant volcano called Tecuamburro. Here, you can go hiking and camping with your friends. By visiting this mountain, you will really feel closer to nature.

When visiting the different tourist attractions in Cuilapa, always make sure that you bring with you an ample amount of money so that you will enjoy every destination.

Information about travelling to Cuilapa

  • Maximum temperature during the year in Cuilapa
    32 °C
  • Average temperature for this month in Cuilapa
    21 °C
  • Average temperature in winter for Cuilapa
    21 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(GTQ) = USD 0.13(USD)