Cheap Flights to Luxembourg City

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How much do things cost in Luxembourg City?
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 40.68
Utilities (Electricity, Heating, ...) for medium apartment USD 268.69
Milk (1 liter) USD 1.58
Local draught beer USD 4.07
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 1 703.39
Pack of cigarettes USD 6.78
Mid range bottle of wine USD 7.90
Taxi start USD 3.53
Tomato (1kg) USD 3.01
Imported beer at restaurant USD 4.07
* All price are converted to USD

About Luxembourg City

Flighthub offers the cheapest flights to Luxemburg for you. If you have this opportunity, just book a ticket now. The Luxemburg city is the capital of the small country with the same name. Due to its location in a spectacular valley it is called "Gibraltar of the North".

When you choose cheap flights to Luxembourg City you must know that the best period of the year when you can travel in Luxemburg is the summer. Even is the busiest time for the holidays, you will enjoy the beautiful landscape and the nature near the city. Airline tickets to Luxemburg City are easy to buy because today everything can be purchased online. The airport in Luxemburg is a small one and has only a few flights per week in ten European cities. The nearest major international airport is located in Brussels. If you are coming from another continent, Schipol Airport is the place where you are going to land. From here you can travel anywhere in the world, including to Australia, South Africa, India, China, Japan, Far East, United States, Canada and South America.

The city is divided into 25 districts, but for tourists only four matters: Kirchberg, the modern part with its European Union buildings, Gare, the location of the main railway station, Ville Haute, the medieval town core and Ville Basse, located in the most beautiful part of the city. The best way to explore the city after you book cheap flights to Luxembourg City is by bus, bike or by foot. Because the city is small and has a changing landscape, the best way is by foot. The entire old area can be explored in no more than two hours.

When you travel to Luxembourg City you must know that in this country, nothing is cheap. Luxemburg is the richest country in the European Union if you take into account the average income per person. The salaries are very high and the prices are according to them. A room in a good hotel can be hard to find and quite expensive. Hotels in Luxemburg city can be afforded only if you book the room in advance, with at least two months prior to your arrival.

Cheap tickets to Luxemburg city can be purchased any time you want, but the best period is before the holiday season. Luxemburg is a well known touristic destination and many will think to visit this country. Because of its political and financial influence, the city hosts many cultural, political and economical events. During this time is virtually impossible to find a room available in the entire city. We also have great deals for European destinations like cheap flights to Graz

After you book your flights to Luxembourg City you must start making a list with all the things you want to do and visit in this fabulous city. The Case mates Bock is a huge system of underground fortifications that was built in the 17th century. The entire system was declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site. Another focus point on your list must be the castle called the Bock, which is today the most visited place in the country. The river Alzette is located right in the middle of the city. The city fortifications surrounded the valley, alongside the Neumunster Abbey, that is today a hospital and a cultural center.

The old city is entirely pedestrian and is the place where you will find all the shops you ever dreamed to visit. There is no major fashion retailer or company that is not present in the capital. Alongside fashion you can find jeweler, souvenir and shoe stores. If we are speaking about the food, everyone must know that many restaurants are open until the last costumer. You will be able to eat local food, alongside the Mediterranean, Asian or international food. If you are really in the mood to visit this beautiful and modern part of Europe just book cheap flights to Luxembourg City and you will not be disappointed with your choice.

Information about travelling to Luxembourg City

  • Average rain for this month in Luxembourg City
    71.3 mm
  • Minimum temperature during the year in Luxembourg City
    -16 °C
  • Average temperature in Luxembourg City
    13 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    €1.00(EUR) = USD 1.05(USD)

Airports of Luxembourg City

Luxembourg Airport