Cheap Flights from San Francisco to Denver

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Facts about flights from San Francisco to Denver
  • Between San Francisco and Denver, the maximum delay was 5h 40m
  • On average, 77% of flights are on time when travelling from San Francisco to Denver
  • Usually, people stay 7 days when travelling from San Francisco to Denver
  • On average, there is 322 flights between San Francisco and Denver every week
  • Flights from San Francisco to Denver can sometimes be diverted
  • The most popular aircraft used for flying from San Francisco to Denver is Boeing (737-700/BBJ1 (Winglets))
Cost of living in San Francisco and Denver
San Francisco is 40% more expensive than Denver

  San Francisco   Denver
Utilities (Electricity, Heating, ...) for medium apartment USD 93.47   USD 125.00
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 70.00   USD 79.00
Mid-range restaurant USD 70.00   USD 45.00
Cappuccino USD 3.84   USD 3.75
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 6.00   USD 6.00
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from San Francisco to Denver

  • For this month, San Francisco is 67% hotter than Denver
    Denver : 9 °C
    San Francisco : 15 °C
  • Average deal for this trip
    USD 199.51 (USD)
  • The temperature of San Francisco and Denver is approximately the same.
  • There is on average 65mm more rain in San Francisco than Denver for this month
    Denver : 50 mm
    San Francisco : 115 mm
  • Distance between Denver and San Francisco
    1 536 km
  • Airlines who fly from Denver to San Francisco
    Frontier Airlines, US Airways, United Airlines, Delta Air Lines