Cheap Flights to Balikpapan

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How much do things cost in Balikpapan?
Cappuccino USD 4.21
Taxi start USD 0.59
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre USD 84.28
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 10.96
Milk (1 liter) USD 1.29
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 0.46
Coke bottle USD 0.61
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 210.70
Taxi 1km USD 0.30
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.13
* All price are converted to USD

About Balikpapan

What makes Indonesia wealthy are its petroleum products, mining resources, and timber apart from its great natural wonders. All these can be found in the opulent city of Balikpapan. Balikpapan is known to be a sea port city with a population of more than 600,000 people. To visit the city, there are cheap flights to Balikpapan which usually land on the Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman (SAMS) Airport which is the city’s port of entry. Since it is a sea port, entry to Balikpapan can also take place in two harbors: Kariangau and Semayang.

While in Balikpapan, there are several tourist spots that are considered as must-visits. A few hours from the downtown area are Balikpapan’s lovely Lamaru and Manggar beaches. In every beach in Balikpapan, you will find grilled corn and fresh coconut water which are sold by the locals. Scuba diving, fishing and snorkeling are just some of the water activities that you can enjoy in these beaches. Delicious Balikpapan cuisine and cocktails can be enjoyed in the chain of restaurants found within the beach area.

If you want to stay up close and personal with Balipapan’s wildlife, you can visit the Orangutan Sanctuary and Eco lodge. In here, you can take a close look at the sun bears and orangutans in their natural habitat. It takes one hour to reach the place from the city center. You can opt to stay overnight in the place; however you will need the right gear such as insect repellant, spare clothes and walking boots.

Balikpapan tour is a mixture of water fun, wildlife adventure and food tripping. You will never have a dull moment in the city. Hotels in Balikpapan are abundant as well. You can opt for high-end hotels such as Le Grandeur Balikpapan Hotel, Zurich Hotel, Favehotel Mt. Haryono and Grand Jatra Balikpapan Hotel. If there are cheap flights to Balikpapan, there are cheap hotels too. Although economy hotels incur inexpensive prices, services and amenities are tourist-friendly. You can choose budget hotels such as The New Benakutai Hotel & Apartment, Town House Bukit Damai Indah Hotel & Residence, Hotel Herly Syariah and Bintang Hotel.

Information about travelling to Balikpapan

  • Minimum temperature during the year in Balikpapan
    10 °C
  • Average temperature for this month in Balikpapan
    30 °C
  • Maximum temperature during the year in Balikpapan
    40 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    Rp1.00(IDR) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)

Airports of Balikpapan

Sultan Aji Muhamad Sulaiman Airport