Cheap Flights to Savonlinna

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How much do things cost in Savonlinna?
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 9.49
Imported beer at restaurant USD 6.78
Taxi 1km USD 2.06
Milk (1 liter) USD 1.37
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in city centre USD 1 537.05
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 3.80
Mid-range restaurant USD 81.36
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.10
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 2.18
Oranges (1kg) USD 2.83
* All price are converted to USD

About Savonlinna

Savonlinna is a small town located in the south east Finland. With a population of 28,000 people, it is the capital of the Saimaa Region. The name of the city means in the Finnish language ,, Castle of Savonia,,. When you will book cheap tickets to Savonlinna you will discover that is quite easy to find your way to this city. The best solution is to travel by plane. A small airport is situated just outside the city and has direct flights every day with the Helsinki airport. But if you are coming from outside Finland, you are going to land first of all in the capital.

The international airport in Helsinki is the main gate to Finland. Airplanes from all around the world are coming to the capital, including from the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany Spain, Russia, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Austria, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Ireland, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Israel, China, Canada, Egypt, Malta, Hungary, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.

Travel to Savonlinna can be an easy task even if you choose to travel by train. A ticket is cheap and in a few hours you can be in the capital or in the second largest city, Turku. Another way to travel in the region is to rent a car immediately after you book your cheap flights to Savonlinna. For a fee starting at 40 Euros per day anyone can drive an electric car. The highway system is developed and even if the snow can be a problem during the winter, the roads are all the time in perfect condition. If you are in the mood to see the beautiful landscape, the lakes and the hills, you can choose to travel by bus. Four national companies have scheduled trips to Savonlinna every day. This can be an interesting option, especially if you will spend more days in Finland.

You should know that Finland is one of the most expensive countries in the world. After you will purchase cheap flights to Savonlinna, you will feel how expensive the food and the accommodation can be. But there are several things you can do in order to protect your budget. First of all, try to book a ticket and the room with several months in advance. Therefore, you are going to save up to fifty percent of the price. You can eat very good and cheap at a fast food or to a small local restaurant.

The best time to travel in Finland is during the summer. The weather can be a problem if you choose to visit the country during the winter. From November to March snow and ice are a common presence and the temperatures can go up to forty degrees below zero. That's why airline tickets to Savonlinna are not for everyone. A trip to Savonlinna is a proper experience for young people in search for adventure. They can practice several summer and winter sports in the area. At the same time, after they purchase cheap flights to Savonlinna they can go into the dense forests and discover the wild beauty of this region. However, anyone should be aware not to travel unequipped to the remote areas because it will be hard to be saved in case of an emergency.

There are seven hotels in Savonlinna and is hard to find a room if you don't have a reservation. That's why is good to book a room or a small apartment before you land in Finland. Flights to Savonlinna can be bought anytime you wish, but if you are on a tight budged, you must do it now. Just call all your friends and ask them if they are in the mood to travel to Finland. Go to our website and catch the best deal available on the market. That's why Flighthub offers the cheapest flights to this country.

Information about travelling to Savonlinna

  • Average rain for this month in Savonlinna
    30.8 mm
  • Currency exchange rate
    €1.00(EUR) = USD 1.03(USD)
  • Average temperature in winter for Savonlinna
    -3 °C
  • Average temperature in Savonlinna
    7 °C

Airports of Savonlinna
