Cheap Flights from New York to Sacramento

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Facts about flights from New York to Sacramento
  • Frontier Airlines offers the best and the cheapest deal (flight F93237) between New York and Sacramento : 14h at $159.96
  • It is on average $241.29 for a 2 stop(s) flight between New York and Sacramento
  • The average delay between New York and Sacramento is 35 min
  • Every week, there is on average 19 flights between New York and Sacramento
  • The cheapest month to fly between New York and Sacramento is march
  • The average cost for direct flight from New York to Sacramento is $322.54
Cost of living in New York and Sacramento
New York is 33% more expensive than Sacramento

  New York   Sacramento
Taxi start USD 2.50   USD 4.50
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 2 817.11   USD 900.00
Oranges (1kg) USD 3.89   USD 4.85
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in city centre USD 4 909.08   USD 1 664.29
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 87.90   USD 75.80
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from New York to Sacramento

  • New York is 25% colder than Sacramento
    Sacramento : 24 °C
    New York : 18 °C
  • Airlines who fly from Sacramento to New York
    JetBlue Airways, Delta Air Lines, US Airways, United Airlines
  • Distance between Sacramento and New York
    4 033 km
  • Most popular airline for this trip
    JetBlue Airways
  • There is on average 23.4mm more rain in Sacramento than New York for this month
    Sacramento : 88.6 mm
    New York : 65.2 mm
  • For this month, New York is 62% colder than Sacramento
    Sacramento : 16 °C
    New York : 6 °C