Religions of Papua New Guinea
Roman Catholic 27%
Protestant 69.4%
Baha'i 0.3%
indigenous beliefs and other 3.3%
Age structure of Papua New Guinea
0-14-years 35%
15-24-years 19.7%
25-54-years 36.2%
55-64-years 3.9%
65-years-and-over 3.8%
Languages of Papua New Guinea
Tok Pisin (official)
English (official)
Hiri Motu (official)
some 836 indigenous languages spoken ; most languages have fewer than 1
000 speakers
Currency exchange rate
$1.00(PGK) = USD 0.25(USD)
Cellphone owners in Papua New Guinea
2.709 million (134th)
Energy generated from Papua New Guinea
Fossil fuels 61%
Nuclear fuels 0%
Hydroelectricity 30%
Other renewable sources 8%