Cheap Flights to Tân An

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How much do things cost in Tân An?
Mid-range restaurant USD 14.15
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 3.77
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 81.35
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 14.21
Water bottle (1.5 liter) USD 0.55
Chicken breasts at the market USD 3.33
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre USD 237.81
Cinema, international release, 1 seat USD 4.25
Milk (1 liter) USD 1.38
Lettuce USD 0.54
* All price are converted to USD

About Tân An

Tân An is considerably a new city, as it only received an upgrade from township in 2009. Although this is the capital city of the province of Long An we are talking about, there is nothing much for tourists that take cheap flights to Tân An. In fact, most of the things you can do to maximize the travel budget you have for this trip and make sure it is worthwhile is to go around Mekong Delta region as much as you can.

Tân An is located about 47 kilometers southwest of Mekong Delta’s most famous city – Ho Chi Minh City, which was previously known as Vietnam’s capital city Saigon. It is known for gastro adventures from Vietnamese to international cuisine. Some of the must-try delicacies in HCMC include baguettes, pork sandwiches, Vietnamese omelet, and Hue beef soup among others.

Another interesting destination to explore when you take cheap flights to Tân An is Can Tho, which is mostly famous for its floating markets, Buddhist pagodas, and beautiful local girls. You can buy various items in Can Tho’s floating markets, from delectable food to fresh fruits and vegetables. There are also renowned temples, pagodas, and churches that are of architectural and historical values. The people of Can Tho are also very interesting. This town is populated not just with beautiful girls but also of warm and friendly locals.

Ben Tre is another point of interest with its unspoiled beauty. Markets, a coconut candy factory, and rice wine factory are some of the things that could be included in your tour. This town is very appropriate for a walking tour, especially if you like to go sightseeing. Since it is stretched along the river, the best way to marvel at the scenic sights is when you are traveling on foot, which is also quite economical.

There are not too many hotels in Tân An. But you can find lots of accommodation options in nearby towns and cities. When looking for a place to stay, make sure that you get the maximum value for your hard earned money. Take note of the brand of comfort offered and whether or not it is well suited for the price tag.

Information about travelling to Tân An

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(VND) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)