Cheap Flights to Tai Binh

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How much do things cost in Tai Binh?
Local draught beer USD 0.94
1 Summer dress in a chain store USD 26.38
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre USD 237.81
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 1.70
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 0.24
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 14.21
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 81.35
Taxi 1km USD 0.60
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 3.77
* All price are converted to USD

About Tai Binh

Vietnam is rich in beautiful places, from north to south and east to west you won’t ran out of good places to explore while in this region. One such good place to visit in Vietnam is the Thai Binh Province. Tai Binh and its capital city with the same name are included in the Red River Delta region, its name is derived from Thái Bình D??ng which is popularly known as the Pacific Ocean.

Being one of the beautiful provinces in Vietnam with a progressive city, Tai Binh is fast becoming a popular tourist destination today. In fact, a huge number of people take daily cheap flights to Tai Binh just to see some of the best pagodas, mangrove forest and temples in this area.

Some of the most popular tourist destinations here are the Keo Pagoda, Tien La Temple, Dong Xam and Dong Bam Temples, and the Tran Dynasty Historical Zone. Visitors in Thai Binh can also enjoy the refreshing view of the Dong Chau Sea and wait for the stress to melt away by just feeling the calming breeze of the sea. Those who want to experience some rare bird-watching activities should go to the mangrove forest and get a chance to see not only different kinds of birds but also other endangered species of animals.

Those who want to experience the rich culture of the province should book cheap flights to Tai Binh and stay in one of the local villages. The silver embossing villages in Dong Xam can be a great starting point if you want a real village life experience or if you desire to learn more about their livelihood. The Bach Thuan garden village is also a wonderful destination as well as the Hoi Sedge Mat weaving village and the Tussore fabric weaving village. Other villages that are worth visiting are the embroidery village, bamboo and rattan village and traditional craft village.

Those looking for affordable hotels in Thai Binh won’t be disappointed since several good guesthouses and inns are spread all over the place. Better rated hotels are also available in the neighboring city of Ho Chi Minh.

Information about travelling to Tai Binh

  • Average temperature in summer for Tai Binh
    26 °C
  • Average temperature in winter for Tai Binh
    30 °C
  • Maximum temperature during the year in Tai Binh
    38 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(VND) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)