Cheap Flights to Somoto

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How much do things cost in Somoto?
1 Pair of men leather shoes USD 55.45
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 73.86
Water bottle (1.5 liter) USD 0.95
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 8.00
Tennis court rent (1 hour on weekend) USD 14.50
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.43
Pack of cigarettes USD 1.10
Mid range bottle of wine USD 11.00
Apartment (3 bedrooms) outside of centre USD 287.50
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 4.00
* All price are converted to USD

About Somoto

Nicaragua has a lot of undiscovered areas and just recently, the place named Somoto has shown the world that this country has something world-class to offer. The name Somoto when translated to English means Valley of Geese. This is in the province of Madriz. Cheap flights to Somoto should now be established because of all the great things that can be found here.

The main thing that draws tourists here in Somoto is the Somoto Canyon. This is located in the northern part of the country. You should never miss it when you are already in this area because it will only mean that you missed more than half of your vacation. This place can only be reached through a tour guide. They will provide the canoe that you are going to use to reach the place. Cheap flights to Somoto are made more entertaining because of this very beautiful spot. The place is really majestic because of the rocks that were perfectly formed by nature. The white waters that run through the entire place will keep you wanting for more soak in it. The idea of sleeping beside the tall rock formations together with the cool body of water and plenty of trees will make you think not to go back to hotels in Somoto that you booked.

Since Somoto is the border of Nicaragua in its neighboring country, Honduras, the traditions and the culture in the area are mixed up. The place becomes more interesting because of the stories that they have to tell. There are also many souvenirs coming from so many points in the country and even from Honduras that are found in the area.

The natural resources that are found in Somoto were just discovered. They are relatively new. If the locals are going to take care of them properly, there is a really great chance for Somoto to surpass other spots in the world listed in the 7 wonders. They have to be very cautious and strict in implementing the rules that they have for the place to make sure that it will go a long way.

Information about travelling to Somoto

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(NIO) = USD 0.03(USD)
  • Average temperature in Somoto
    31 °C
  • Average temperature for this month in Somoto
    31 °C
  • Average temperature in winter for Somoto
    31 °C

Airports near Somoto

Augusto C Sandino (Managua)