Cheap Flights to Sóc Trang

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How much do things cost in Sóc Trang?
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre USD 237.81
Taxi 1km USD 0.60
Local cheese (1kg) USD 8.82
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 0.33
Local draught beer USD 0.94
1 Pair of Jeans USD 45.62
Mid range bottle of wine USD 9.44
Rice (white) USD 0.74
Mid-range restaurant USD 14.15
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 1.70
* All price are converted to USD

About Sóc Trang

Sóc Trang is a modern, bustling city, the capital of the province of Sóc Trang. It is quiet and not as popular among tourists although it has enough charm that should draw travel-savvy individuals all-year-round.

If you are one who like discovering off the beaten tourist track kind of adventures, taking cheap flights to Sóc Trang is favorable to you. You will learn a lot from this exploration, especially by tasting the local cuisine.

Most of the key attractions that can be found in Sóc Trang are its temples. In fact, a quarter of the entire number of pagodas in the province is located here. It is also interesting to note that Khmer has so much influence not just on the temples but in the lifestyle of the Sóc Trang locals as a whole. The Khmer temples are well designed and well built. They also have their own different charms that you would love to experience anytime. Also, expect to mix with Khmer locals as you go around. Although they speak very little English, you can tell by their warm smiles and friendly gestures that they are welcoming to fresh faces in their territory.

After going around the numerous pagodas that adorn the city, it is time for the ultimate gastronomic adventure. The local food in Sóc Trang is very rich and flavorful. The dishes are well seasoned, which will leave a significant mark in your memory.

One of the must try dishes that are worth taking cheap flights to Sóc Trang for is the noodle dish Bún N?oc Leo Soc Trang. This is famous all over Mekong Delta. Banh Cong is another favorite local fare. It is made from a mixture of green beans, pork, and flour. It is eaten best with a shrimp topping and some fresh herbs and vegetables on the side.

You may order good food straight from your hotel room. Most hotels in Sóc Trang serve a variety of local dishes that will help bring you closer to the way of life in the city. But you may also eat out for the best experience. Local food is also available on various food stalls and food shops at the town center.

Information about travelling to Sóc Trang

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(VND) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)