Cheap Flights to Port Moresby

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How much do things cost in Port Moresby?
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 10.32
Chicken breasts at the market USD 10.77
Oranges (1kg) USD 4.81
Rice (white) USD 2.08
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.63
Pack of cigarettes USD 8.46
Tomato (1kg) USD 5.82
Mid-range restaurant USD 52.12
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 1.04
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 1 424.38
* All price are converted to USD

About Port Moresby

Little is known about Papua New Guinea. This country is close to Indonesia and has great natural wonders that are worth seeing and visiting. Its capital, Port Moresby, is also the largest city of this country. The city is located on the coastal/shore areas of Gulf of Papua. Here, the indigenous people are called Motu-Koitabu. This city is the main and major point of entry into this country in both air and boat – traffic. Getting here from Australia is generally cheap. The cheap flights in Port Moresby are usually offered by Qantas, Virgin Blues and Airlines PNG (the flag carrier of the country)

As a visiting tourist, you have to spread out in order to enjoy the attractions here. In the city proper, there are little things you can see and do. If you prefer on walking around, you may want to stay near the Ela Beach. In order to get around the city, it is important to know the public transportation system here. You may find it weird to get in the push-bike, but this is the cheapest and reliable way to get around. The most prominent public transportation here is by the means of mini-buses that is called Public Motor Vehicles. It is easy to know which PMV to use as the route and destination are printed in the vehicle’s body. By the way, PMV drivers usually overload their vehicle with passengers so deal with it. If you have the means, rent a car. You will find them near the Jacksons International Airport.

However, be careful if you prefer driving around with cars as there are some local people that may damage your car and the roads outside the city are bit muddy and challenging. You can enjoy sightseeing outside the city such as the Crystal Rapids and Kokoda. Riding a 4x4 vehicle is recommended if you want to travel outside the city. Taxi is also possible, but make sure that you let the hotel staff or someone you now do the hiring for safety and assurance.

What are the places to visit in Port Moresby as well as the things you can do here? First and foremost, do not expect great things in Port Moresby. It may be the capital, but it is not as modernized as other cities such as Melbourne or Auckland.

    • Visit the Parliament Haus

    • Check out The National Botanical Gardens and Varirata National Park if you want nature touring.

You should be aware that in order to fully experience and enjoy Port Moresby, you have to interact with the local people. Keep in mind that you always exercise care here and be respectful and mindful as well. Since the city is the main entry to the country, you can find hotels in Port Moresby easily. However, you can find hotels and cheap flights in Port Moresby in deals online.

Information about travelling to Port Moresby

  • Minimum temperature during the year in Port Moresby
    13 °C
  • Average temperature in winter for Port Moresby
    31 °C
  • Average rain for this month in Port Moresby
    235.9 mm
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(PGK) = USD 0.25(USD)

Airports of Port Moresby

Jackson Field