Cheap Flights to Hà Giang

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How much do things cost in Hà Giang?
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.14
Eggs (12) USD 1.32
Mid-range restaurant USD 14.15
Lettuce USD 0.54
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 81.35
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 3.77
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.11
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 1.70
Oranges (1kg) USD 1.98
* All price are converted to USD

About Hà Giang

Hà Giang is a famous city in Vietnam when it comes to natural sceneries and cultural heritage. You will find a lot of scenic areas once you are in this place and start taking advantage of the best tours that you can have today. Cheap flights to Hà Giang received a lot of positive feedback and booking from tourists who wish to see these sights as part of their tour activities.

Hà Giang is a mountainous region in Vietnam. Hence, you will find mountains that add to the place’s overall beauty. Feast your eyes on this majestic view of the land and the houses that surround the main area. Properties around this site are famous for having simple designs that blend well with the overall surrounding. The green view brings a relaxing feeling that you want to experience while on your tour.

Another site that completes your nature trip in the city is the river that lines the area. This prominent river serves as gateway for locals and visitors in visiting Hà Giang through boats. While the water may not be that clear, it still serves as proper adornment in the place and promotes its overall beauty.

When you explore the city, you will find a very beautiful plateau where you can see farmers who spend their day in the place to harvest their local fruits and vegetables. These products are sold at local marketplaces, which can be accessed near hotels in Hà Giang. You can buy these items and bring them as snacks while on your trip.

Stopping by at the marketplace also gives you the chance to try the city’s local delicacies, which are offered by restaurants. Since you are in Hà Giang, take the chance to taste its delicacies prepared traditionally and maintain the flavor the place is known for.

Cheap flights to Hà Giang let you enjoy the site and its beautiful nature sites. Stay in the city and relax with the mountain views and other nature elements in a certain spot to have a very memorable trip. If you wish to save money, ride transportation available for the public so you can save money.

Information about travelling to Hà Giang

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(VND) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)