Cheap Flights to Dong Hoi

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How much do things cost in Dong Hoi?
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.14
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 1.70
1 Pair of men leather shoes USD 32.55
Taxi start USD 0.57
Lettuce USD 0.54
Tennis court rent (1 hour on weekend) USD 6.01
Water bottle (1.5 liter) USD 0.55
Fitness club, monthly fee for 1 adult USD 60.49
Rice (white) USD 0.74
1 Summer dress in a chain store USD 26.38
* All price are converted to USD

About Dong Hoi

A national highway from an airport in Hanoi will lead you to the Vietnam’s leading tourist spot – Dong Hoi. This is where a lot of encounters with the nature may occur. Cheap flights to Dong Hoi are worth taking. The city is located in the coast of Vietnam facing the Eastern Sea. This city survived a lot of bombings during the 1960 war because this was used as one of the walls to protect the capital city of the country. The weather in this area is perfect for those who would like to tan themselves. Everything just seems so refreshing because of the simplicity of the place. There is also a feeling that a mystery envelopes the place when visitors set their foot on it. However, this is not an excuse to live life to the fullest with the locals and the sceneries.

Very few countries all over the world possess an underground river. Some of the countries in Southeast Asia were quite fortunate to get these. Tourists who will avail cheap flights to Dong Hoi will also be showered by the beauty of nature because this city is home to one of the world’s longest underground river. Beaches are not the most outstanding nature gift that tourists can enjoy in this place but its caves, nature structures and wildlife found under the roof provided by a mountain covering the river.

Many artifacts are also housed in this simple yet beautiful province. Citadels during the latest war that the country fought are available for tourists from all parts of the country and the world to visit. There is one of these structures standing in the middle of the town proper. Taking photo opportunities with them while reading how the locals fought the war can be very interesting. This country dubbed as “Little Giant” has so much knowledge to share when it comes into getting out of problems.

One must not forget to bring a camera when visiting in this place. Also, hotels in Dong Hoi are offering delectable choices of food. They must be tried before going back home.

Information about travelling to Dong Hoi

  • Average temperature in winter for Dong Hoi
    22 °C
  • Maximum temperature during the year in Dong Hoi
    40 °C
  • Average temperature for this month in Dong Hoi
    22 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(VND) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)