Cheap Flights to Can Gio

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How much do things cost in Can Gio?
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.24
Taxi 1km USD 0.61
Taxi start USD 0.57
Tennis court rent (1 hour on weekend) USD 4.09
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 96.72
Cappuccino USD 2.10
Fitness club, monthly fee for 1 adult USD 78.63
Rice (white) USD 0.65
Mid-range restaurant USD 14.15
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 6.61
* All price are converted to USD

About Can Gio

Can Gio is an interesting place situated somewhere in Ho Chi Minh City. It’s a small community with good natural resources and quiet neighborhood. Although there’s not much to see in the place itself, the city of Ho Chi Minh is another story. Formerly named Saigon, Ho Chi Minh is a paradise of sort with its historic architectures that date back to the French colony and other modern tourist spots spread all over the place. This simply means that when you take cheap flights to Can Gio and it has ran out of good things to offer you, just roam around to discover other great destinations in the city.

Before you set foot to farther places make sure to explore first all the local attraction in Can Gio especially the mangrove forest with its interesting species of fauna and flora. The historic Can Gio Museum is also a must-see if you want to discover more about the local culture and history. During your cheap flights to Can Gio, you can also visit the Monkey Island Eco Forest Park which is also a natural paradise that’s waiting to be discovered. It has a monkey sanctuary with hundreds of wild simians and a museum displaying different species of wildlife.

If these places are not enough to satisfy your thirst for more adventure you should get out of the place and travel to the city proper. Ho Chi Minh City houses some of the best historical attractions in Vietnam including the Reunification Palace which was once the command center of the government of Vietnam. The War Remnants Museum is also a prime historical spot in Saigon as well as the Notre Dame Cathedral.

While in Ho Chi Minh City, you can also check out the Thien Hau Temple and observe all the important traditions in the city. You can also visit the central market called Ben Thanh and sample some of the local products for sale.

There are few hotels in Can Gio if you’re looking for a place to spend the night. There are also top rated accommodations in Ho Chi Minh City if you prefer to stay close to the commercial district.

Information about travelling to Can Gio

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(VND) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)
  • Average temperature in summer for Can Gio
    30 °C
  • Average temperature for this month in Can Gio
    27 °C
  • Average rain for this month in Can Gio
    0 mm