Cheap Flights to Buon Ma Thuot

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How much do things cost in Buon Ma Thuot?
Imported beer at restaurant USD 1.69
Eggs (12) USD 1.32
Milk (1 liter) USD 1.38
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.14
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.11
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 7.08
Cappuccino USD 2.13
Utilities (Electricity, Heating, ...) for medium apartment USD 49.65
Loaf of white bread USD 0.78
Coke bottle USD 0.50
* All price are converted to USD

About Buon Ma Thuot

Buon Ma Thuot is the capital city of Dak Lak Province and the largest land area in the Central Vietnam Highlands. It is the country’s largest coffee producer. It is also the site of one of the fiercest battles in Vietnam War that led to the taking over of the South Vietnam and the homes of the Degar people.

Today, Buon Ma Thout or Ban Me Thuot is busy city with less than 15% of the Degar or the mountain people still living in the city. These minority people however still have the Mnong Longhouse which is the city's attraction for tourists availing cheap flights to Buon Ma Thuot. The longhouse is about 30 to 40 meters long and has a short side entrance. It is made of bamboo stilt sand dried palm leaves. It has a veranda which is used for welcoming guests.

The best time to come here is during the elephant racing festival which falls on March or during the third lunar month. Local folks prepare before the festival and keep their elephants fit and well. Although the racing event is short, the fun that goes with it is splendid and really amazing. The street is fully decorated with colorful papers and local flowers. Also you can find different food stalls offering quick snacks that are fulfilling but cheap.

You can come before the festival so that you can witness how the local elephant owners trained their animal for the festivals. It is an amazing experience to see how the elephants are prepared to race to the finish while being destructed by the beating of the gong. The event is filled with energy and spirits to win.

You can book in hotels in Buon Ma Thuot before the festival and wait till the elephants are put in the street ready to beat the finish line.

The best way to explore the city is through a motorbike or easy rider. There are locals who offer such tour (a biking companion) so that you will not get lost or get into trouble. They offer low price compare to the tour agency guys. If you have already availed the cheap flights to Buon Ma Thuot, you'll double your savings.

Information about travelling to Buon Ma Thuot

  • Average rain for this month in Buon Ma Thuot
    0 mm
  • Average temperature in Buon Ma Thuot
    15 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(VND) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)
  • Average temperature in winter for Buon Ma Thuot
    12 °C