Cheap Flights from Seattle to Puerto Vallarta

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Facts about flights from Seattle to Puerto Vallarta
  • On average, 93% of all flights are on time between Seattle and Puerto Vallarta
  • The most popular aircraft used for flying from Seattle to Puerto Vallarta is Boeing (737-900)
  • 1h 25m was the highest delay from Seattle to Puerto Vallarta
  • On average, it is $382.86 for a direct flight between Seattle and Puerto Vallarta
  • It is on average $503.03 for a 2 stop(s) flight between Seattle and Puerto Vallarta
  • The cheapest month to fly between Seattle and Puerto Vallarta is january
Cost of living in Seattle and Puerto Vallarta
Seattle is 203% more expensive than Puerto Vallarta

  Seattle   Puerto Vallarta
Lettuce USD 1.58   USD 0.77
Rice (white) USD 3.28   USD 1.45
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.18   USD 0.31
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 1.38   USD 0.67
1 Pair of men leather shoes USD 100.83   USD 61.33
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Seattle to Puerto Vallarta

  • Seattle is 45% colder than Puerto Vallarta
    Puerto Vallarta : 29 °C
    Seattle : 16 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    MX$1.00(MXN) = USD 0.05(USD)
  • There is on average 71.7mm more rain in Seattle than Puerto Vallarta for this month
    Puerto Vallarta : 16.1 mm
    Seattle : 87.8 mm
  • For this month, Seattle is 64% colder than Puerto Vallarta
    Puerto Vallarta : 28 °C
    Seattle : 10 °C
  • Distance between Puerto Vallarta and Seattle
    3 356 km
  • Popular airlines who fly from Puerto Vallarta to Seattle
    Alaska Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Virgin America, US Airways