Cheap Flights from San Francisco to Puerto Vallarta

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Facts about flights from San Francisco to Puerto Vallarta
  • Alaska Airlines offers the best and the cheapest deal (flight AS1344) between San Francisco and Puerto Vallarta : 3h 42m at $272.14
  • Flights from San Francisco to Puerto Vallarta are rarely diverted
  • The average number of stop(s) between San Francisco and Puerto Vallarta is 1
  • Boeing (737-900) is the most popular aircraft for flights between San Francisco and Puerto Vallarta
  • Every week, there is on average 36 flights between San Francisco and Puerto Vallarta
  • When flying from San Francisco to Puerto Vallarta, the most popular gateway is Benito Juarez International Airport (MEX)
Cost of living in San Francisco and Puerto Vallarta
San Francisco is 221% more expensive than Puerto Vallarta

  San Francisco   Puerto Vallarta
Imported beer at restaurant USD 5.13   USD 1.96
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 1.63   USD 0.67
Coke bottle USD 1.91   USD 0.74
Fitness club, monthly fee for 1 adult USD 66.29   USD 45.00
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 70.00   USD 44.00
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from San Francisco to Puerto Vallarta

  • Average flight duration between Puerto Vallarta and San Francisco
    4h 37m
  • Average deal for this trip
    USD 402.06 (USD)
  • There is on average 80.6mm more rain in San Francisco than Puerto Vallarta for this month
    Puerto Vallarta : 29.4 mm
    San Francisco : 110 mm
  • Distance between Puerto Vallarta and San Francisco
    2 504 km
  • For this month, San Francisco is 48% colder than Puerto Vallarta
    Puerto Vallarta : 27 °C
    San Francisco : 14 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    MX$1.00(MXN) = USD 0.05(USD)