Cheap Flights from New York to London

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Facts about flights from New York to London
  • Usually, people stay 11 days when travelling from New York to London
  • Flights between New York and London are usually on time
  • On average, 72% of flights are on time when travelling from New York to London
  • The average cost for direct flight from New York to London is $437.69
  • Norse Atlantic UK offers the best deal (flight Z0702) between New York and London : 6h 50m at $309.39
  • On average, there is 24 min of delay from New York to London
Cost of living in New York and London
New York is 4% cheaper than London

  New York   London
Fitness club, monthly fee for 1 adult USD 94.23   USD 90.07
Cappuccino USD 3.94   USD 4.15
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.06   USD 2.35
Cinema, international release, 1 seat USD 14.00   USD 20.39
Eggs (12) USD 3.02   USD 3.97
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from New York to London

  • Currency exchange rate
    £1.00(GBP) = USD 1.24(USD)
  • Average deal for this trip
    USD 708.14 (USD)
  • Average flight duration between London and New York
    9h 28m
  • Popular airlines who fly from London to New York
    British Airways, Delta Air Lines, Kuwait Airways, American Airlines
  • Most popular airline for this trip
    British Airways
  • For this month, New York is 33% colder than London
    London : 9 °C
    New York : 6 °C