Cheap Flights from New York to Rotorua

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Facts about flights from New York to Rotorua
  • It is on average $2,030.47 for a 2 stop(s) flight between New York and Rotorua
  • There is on average 2 stop(s) when flying between New York and Rotorua
  • When flying from New York to Rotorua, the most popular gateway is George Bush Intercontinental (IAH)
  • Usually, people stay 13 days when travelling from New York to Rotorua
  • United Airlines offers the best deal (flight UA2624) between New York and Rotorua : 23h 23m at $1 879.71
  • Singapore Airlines offers the cheapest deal (flight SQ25) between New York and Rotorua at $2 365.91
Cost of living in New York and Rotorua
New York is 34% more expensive than Rotorua

  New York   Rotorua
Utilities (Electricity, Heating, ...) for medium apartment USD 153.36   USD 138.74
Apartment (3 bedrooms) outside of centre USD 3 250.20   USD 867.15
Tomato (1kg) USD 4.52   USD 3.04
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre USD 1 713.09   USD 572.32
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from New York to Rotorua

  • Currency exchange rate
    NZ$1.00(NZD) = USD 0.57(USD)
  • There is on average 15.5mm more rain in Rotorua than New York for this month
    Rotorua : 80.7 mm
    New York : 65.2 mm
  • The temperature of New York and Rotorua is approximately the same.
  • Distance between Rotorua and New York
    14 149 km
  • For this month, New York is 74% colder than Rotorua
    Rotorua : 23 °C
    New York : 6 °C