Cheap Flights from Boston to Zurich

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1 adult
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Facts about flights from Boston to Zurich
  • Usually, people stay 8 days when travelling from Boston to Zurich
  • Flights between Boston and Zurich are rarely canceled
  • The cheapest month to fly between Boston and Zurich is january
  • On average, there is 13 min of delay from Boston to Zurich
  • It is on average $543.93 for a 2 stop(s) flight between Boston and Zurich
  • Flights between Boston and Zurich are rarely late
Cost of living in Boston and Zurich
Boston is 29% cheaper than Zurich

  Boston   Zurich
Utilities (Electricity, Heating, ...) for medium apartment USD 204.32   USD 190.16
Eggs (12) USD 2.73   USD 6.12
1 Pair of men leather shoes USD 116.00   USD 189.33
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 2.50   USD 4.51
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 7.00   USD 14.48
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Boston to Zurich

  • Airlines who fly from Zurich to Boston
    Swiss International Air Lines, British Airways, American Airlines, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
  • Average flight duration between Zurich and Boston
    11h 54m
  • Boston is 23% hotter than Zurich
    Zurich : 13 °C
    Boston : 16 °C
  • Average deal for this trip
    USD 932.21 (USD)
  • Most popular airline for this trip
    Swiss International Air Lines
  • There is on average 30.2mm more rain in Boston than Zurich for this month
    Zurich : 55 mm
    Boston : 85.2 mm