Cheap Flights from Boston to Skiathos

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1 adult
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Facts about flights from Boston to Skiathos
  • When flying from Boston to Skiathos, the most popular gateway is Charles De Gaulle (CDG)
  • The average number of stop(s) between Boston and Skiathos is 2
  • Delta Air Lines offers the best deal (flight DL240) between Boston and Skiathos : 13h 15m at $1 300.71
  • It is on average $1,861.04 for a 1 stop(s) flight between Boston and Skiathos
  • American Airlines offers the cheapest deal (flight AA1452) between Boston and Skiathos at $2 067.50
  • april is the cheapest time to fly between Boston and Skiathos
Cost of living in Boston and Skiathos
Boston is 74% more expensive than Skiathos

  Boston   Skiathos
Chicken breasts at the market USD 8.02   USD 9.60
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 95.45   USD 115.27
Rice (white) USD 4.52   USD 2.17
Cappuccino USD 3.95   USD 4.20
Coke bottle USD 1.80   USD 1.83
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Boston to Skiathos

  • For this month, Boston is 64% colder than Skiathos
    Skiathos : 11 °C
    Boston : 4 °C
  • Distance between Skiathos and Boston
    7 520 km
  • Currency exchange rate
    €1.00(EUR) = USD 1.05(USD)
  • Boston is 16% colder than Skiathos
    Skiathos : 19 °C
    Boston : 16 °C
  • There is on average 32.2mm more rain in Boston than Skiathos for this month
    Skiathos : 53 mm
    Boston : 85.2 mm