Cheap Flights from Boston to Plattsburgh

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1 adult
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Facts about flights from Boston to Plattsburgh
  • There is on average 1 stop(s) when flying between Boston and Plattsburgh
  • Usually, people stay 21 days when travelling from Boston to Plattsburgh
  • The cheapest month to fly between Boston and Plattsburgh is january
  • On average, 76% of flights are on time when travelling from Boston to Plattsburgh
  • Flights from Boston to Plattsburgh are rarely diverted
  • Flights between Boston and Plattsburgh are usually on time
Cost of living in Boston and Plattsburgh
Boston is 45% more expensive than Plattsburgh

  Boston   Plattsburgh
Taxi start USD 2.68   USD 3.50
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 7.00   USD 7.99
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Boston to Plattsburgh

  • Average deal for this trip
    USD 158.35 (USD)
  • Airlines who fly from Plattsburgh to Boston
    Peninsula Airways, Alaska Airlines
  • Average flight duration between Plattsburgh and Boston
  • Most popular airline for this trip
    Peninsula Airways