Cheap Flights from Boston to Durban

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Facts about flights from Boston to Durban
  • Heathrow (LHR) is the most popular gateway between Boston and Durban
  • It is on average $1,423.55 for a 2 stop(s) flight between Boston and Durban
  • Virgin Atlantic Airways offers the cheapest deal (flight VS158) between Boston and Durban at $1 361.11
  • The average cost for 3 stop(s) flight from Boston to Durban is $1,591.02
  • Turkish Airlines offers the best deal (flight TK82) between Boston and Durban : 34h 30m at $971.81
  • february is the cheapest time to fly between Boston and Durban
Cost of living in Boston and Durban
Boston is 157% more expensive than Durban

  Boston   Durban
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.08   USD 0.20
Lettuce USD 1.86   USD 0.88
Mid-range restaurant USD 60.00   USD 30.76
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 7.00   USD 4.20
Mid range bottle of wine USD 12.00   USD 3.73
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Boston to Durban

  • Distance between Durban and Boston
    13 119 km
  • Currency exchange rate
    R1.00(ZAR) = USD 0.05(USD)