Cheap Flights from Boston to Aarhus

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Facts about flights from Boston to Aarhus
  • SAS offers the best deal (flight SK928) between Boston and Aarhus : 12h 45m at $914.51
  • It is on average $1,198.01 for a 2 stop(s) flight between Boston and Aarhus
  • It is on average $972.73 for a 1 stop(s) flight between Boston and Aarhus
  • When flying from Boston to Aarhus, the most popular gateway is Copenhagen Airport (CPH)
  • The average number of stop(s) between Boston and Aarhus is 2
  • Air France offers the cheapest deal (flight AF331) between Boston and Aarhus at $1 198.01
Cost of living in Boston and Aarhus
Boston is 5% cheaper than Aarhus

  Boston   Aarhus
Milk (1 liter) USD 1.07   USD 1.25
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 29.00   USD 64.54
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.00   USD 2.18
Fitness club, monthly fee for 1 adult USD 65.42   USD 48.12
1 Summer dress in a chain store USD 39.75   USD 61.31
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Boston to Aarhus

  • Distance between Aarhus and Boston
    5 744 km
  • Currency exchange rate
    kr1.00(DKK) = USD 0.14(USD)
  • For this month, Boston is 33% hotter than Aarhus
    Aarhus : 3 °C
    Boston : 4 °C
  • Boston is 33% hotter than Aarhus
    Aarhus : 12 °C
    Boston : 16 °C
  • There is on average 26.9mm more rain in Boston than Aarhus for this month
    Aarhus : 58.3 mm
    Boston : 85.2 mm