Cheap Flights to Munich

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How much do things cost in Munich?
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in city centre USD 2 352.94
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 32.27
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 9.49
Mid-range restaurant USD 67.80
Apples (1kg) USD 3.16
1 Pair of men leather shoes USD 154.71
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 3.39
Mid range bottle of wine USD 8.14
Chicken breasts at the market USD 11.14
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 2.49
* All price are converted to USD

About Munich

Munich was founded by Henry Lion, on June 14th, 1158 and it is Germany’s 3rd largest city. With the second highest number of workers, Munich offers at the same time over 40 museums and has 10 very well-known universities. Munich is situated in the Southern part of Germany, in the district of Bavaria. From a total population of 1.1 million, around 285,000 of them are foreigners. Modern Munich is usually the top destination for immigrants in Germany. During the WWII, around 80% of Munich was bombed by the Allies and was reconstructed later.

Arriving to Munich

When you get to the airport, you need to reach the train station (the Hauptbhanhof). Next to the train station you will find the bus station.


In Munich, the main language is German, of course. However, English is thought and spoken in schools. The majority of restaurants present English menus. Therefore, it is simple to communicate even if you don’t speak German.

Munich Hotels

When you book cheap flights to Munich, you will be impressed by the large selection of hotels. You will find many hotels by the train station. You can easily find hotels that offer private shower and breakfast for around 100 Euro. The Monaco Hotel is very famous upon tourists, with some low rates.

Munich Climate and Weather

By studying the weather around Munich, it is proven that the Southern part of the city is much sunny and the northern parts are usually befogged in the mornings. The weather in Munich is more toward a Mediterranean climate, where it is more likely to rain in the summer. It is always a good idea to bring with you an umbrella when visiting Germany. When you travel to Munich, you will have many places to explore. Marienplatz is one of the sights that should be on your list as soon as you book flights to Munich. In the center of the city you will find a large open square known as Mariensäule. The Peterskirch, is the oldest church in the city. Built in the Romanesque period, it was the main focus of the monastic settlement before the Munich official foundation in 1158.


Near the city center, next to the Marienplats, you will find an amazing beer cellar. There you will also enjoy great food. Go inside the Diener road and find a counter in the noise, big rooms where the locals usually eat. In Munich the service of the waiters is integrated into the bill, but usually they are tipped with 5%.

Internet in Munich

If you need to use an internet access while in Munich, just visit the Times Square Bistro. The cost is around 6 Euro for one hour. Pretty expensive, but you can use any screen, drink cold beer and experience the life in Munich. At the Bistro, using the internet is pretty easy. Just choose your screen, sit and start using the internet. The time is recorded by the computer and so you will know when the time is running out.


The German Museum or Deutsches Museum, located on an island in the River Isar is the oldest and largest science museum in the world. It has 1.5 million people that visit it every year and around 28,000 exhibited items from 50 fields of technology and science. The museum was created in 1903 by Oskar von Miller. The museum has another 2 branches, one next to Munich and one in Bonn. The Flugwerft Schleißheim is around 18 kilometers north of the city center. Fans from all over the world come here and see a model of the first military airbase Germany, established before World War I.

If you want to explore Munich and see what it is all about, book you fly ticket now. Flighthub offers the cheapest flights to Munich, so be sure to reserve your tickets in advance, to get the best prices.

Top attractions in Munich

Munich's Oktoberfest

One of the World's Greatest Festival


Information about travelling to Munich

  • Currency exchange rate
    €1.00(EUR) = USD 1.04(USD)
  • Maximum temperature during the year in Munich
    37 °C
  • Minimum temperature during the year in Munich
    -24 °C
  • Average temperature for this month in Munich
    5 °C

Airports of Munich

Franz Josef Strauss