Cheap Flights to Villa Gonzalez

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How much do things cost in Villa Gonzalez?
Coke bottle USD 0.91
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 51.65
Taxi start USD 3.35
Eggs (12) USD 1.43
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 2.80
Loaf of white bread USD 1.87
* All price are converted to USD

About Villa Gonzalez

Dominican Republic is known for its many carnivals held annually in different places in the country. Santiago, the province where Villa González belongs to, has its own share of the festivities. The carnival tradition is named Lechon of Santiago and it is held every February.

Attending the colorful and very interesting carnival of pork eaters, fun, laughter, and music is but one major charm that should drive you to take cheap flights to Villa González. There are many other things that make this municipality a must visit.

Check the Tobacco Production

If there is one thing that Villa González is most proud about, it is the fact that it supplies a big chunk of tobacco supply in the country. It does not only vouch for volumes but also for quality. When you take cheap flights to Villa González, therefore, it is recommended that you check out why the town claims it supplies the finest quality of tobacco in Dominican Republic.

Tobacco plantations are all over the place. In fact, the man behind the Cooperativa de Tabaco del la Section Las Lavas is from Villa González. Although he already passed away in 2008 at age 75, Manuel Belliard is never forgotten for his wonderful legacy.

Exploring Santiago

When you are done going around Villa González and its tobacco mines, it is time that you spread out your attention to the province it belongs. Santiago, especially Santiago de los Caballeros, is a wonderful place to have a different kind of adventure. It is about 20 miles from Villa González but is definitely worth the trip.

Santiago de los Caballeros has several local attractions that it boasts about. For one, there is Centro Leon where you can find museums, art galleries, audiovisual presentations, and other multimedia services. It is the central hub for expos, which are held all-year round. For another, there is Calle El Sol, which is teeming with shopping stalls that are just nearby the local attractions. If you have found the best choice among the available hotels in Villa González, it is advisable that you take this side trip to Santiago de los Caballeros.

Information about travelling to Villa Gonzalez

  • Average rain for this month in Villa Gonzalez
    200.2 mm
  • Average temperature in winter for Villa Gonzalez
    29 °C
  • Average temperature in Villa Gonzalez
    31 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    RD$1.00(DOP) = USD 0.02(USD)

Airports near Villa Gonzalez

Punta Cana International (Punta Cana)