Cheap Flights to Okinawa

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How much do things cost in Okinawa?
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 29.46
Milk (1 liter) USD 1.80
Tomato (1kg) USD 6.01
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in city centre USD 2 049.48
Apples (1kg) USD 5.23
Taxi 1km USD 3.07
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre USD 594.89
Lettuce USD 1.89
Loaf of white bread USD 1.70
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 1.04
* All price are converted to USD

About Okinawa

Okinawa City is quite very popular among the cities in the Okinawa Prefecture. For one, it is the next biggest city after the Prefectural capital of Naha. For another, it houses in its midst the Southeast Botanical Gardens, which is home to some 2,000 species of plants, flowers, and fruit trees. The garden is also famous for its insect collection as well as its countless carps swimming in the Polynesian Lake.

More than the size or the botanical garden, Okinawa City sure deserves a visit, especially if you are looking for a nice stomach treat. Once you get to the place through cheap flights to Okinawa, start dipping your teeth in some delicious food. There are lots of them on offer everywhere in the city.

Okonomiyake and Yakiniku

Okonomiyake is a popular local dish in Okinawa. It is basically a Japanese pancake that basically has everything in it from noodles to meat and seafood. Those who are used to the Western-style pancake will see nothing pancake about Okonomiyake. But it is real good food so who will complain? Also, it must be cleared that the dish is not authentically rooted from Okinawa. It is from Osaka but Okinawan restaurants seem to have made better versions of the dish making them popular for it.

Yaki Nikku is another popular gastro adventure here in Okinawa. It’s a place where diners are given a chance to grill their own food, in all its fresh goodness. You basically pick your ingredients and you cook it on your own so you will feel like a chef along the way.

There are many Yaki Nikku places even in hotels in Okinawa. Check your hotel if it houses such kind of a restaurant.

To save on your money, it is sometimes best to have your food this way so you get to pick what you really want and cook it the way you want it.

One last tip: to get cheap flights to Okinawa, make sure that you book yourself in advance and book along your accommodations. This way, you can get a combo deal that would help you save a good load of money.

Information about travelling to Okinawa

  • Average temperature in summer for Okinawa
    30 °C
  • Average temperature in Okinawa
    25 °C
  • Minimum temperature during the year in Okinawa
    8 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    ¥1.00(JPY) = USD 0.01(USD)

Airports of Okinawa
