Cheap Flights to Manaus

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How much do things cost in Manaus?
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.37
Mid range bottle of wine USD 13.45
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 85.17
Cappuccino USD 3.59
1 Pair of men leather shoes USD 67.24
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 55.29
Water bottle (1.5 liter) USD 2.24
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 13.45
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.63
* All price are converted to USD

About Manaus

Manaus is the largest city in the Amazon forest, located on the Rio Negro. Most tourists are so surprised to come and see a large city surrounded by forest, and this is of Manaus' many appeals. Whether you're looking for a good deal on cheap flights to Manaus just to experience Amazon jungle trekking or you also prefer to see museums, restaurants and urban life, this is definitely a travel destination for you.

Attractions and Hotspots in Manaus

Love the opera? Or just want to see one of the crowning architectural sites in Manaus? The Teatro Amazonas dates back to the late 1800's and is incredibly stunning neo-classical opera house. The theaters most well known feature is its tiled dome, which features the Brazilian Flag in stunning blues, golds and greens. The outside and inside are a visual delight and exude opulence and elegance. Every Monday there are free shows from local artists and musicians and there are also free daily tours of the theater. Definitely worth checking out!

Cheap tickets to Manaus are as easy as a mouse click away, at Flighthub! Maybe you're frustrated because you're having a hard time finding cheap flights to Manaus, or you're here because you've actually heard how cheap our prices are. Flighthub always delivers the lowest prices, after thoroughly scouting the competition!

Ever wanted to visit an urban forest? Now what about the biggest urban forest on earth? Visit the Jardim Botanico Adolpho Ducke and see this gorgeous national park, right in the city. This park is perfect if you want to walk on one of its many trails and see some beautiful species of plants, trees and flowers. Construction is currently going on to built a museum, aquarium and more.

The first word out of your mouth will definitely be 'cool,' when you see the neat natural phenomenon known as the Meeting of the Rivers, or the intersection of the Amazon and Negro River. The rivers don't actually mix, but run alongside one another. They are different temperatures, colors (the Amazon is more of a brown and the Negro River is extremely dark and almost black,) and chemicals. Take a boat tour to view this amazing phenomenon!

Still thinking about flights to Manaus? Don't worry-Flighthub offers the cheapest flights to Manaus and a slew of popular international destinations. Stop wasting money that you don't have! Book with Flighthub and save your hard earned cash.

Familiar with the Les Halles marketplace, in Paris? Visist the Mercado Municipal Adolfo Lisboa and see an adorable copy, even with its wrought iron imported from Europe, and copied from Les Halles. It's a wonderful place to purchase Amazonian goods, food, handicrafts, textiles, leather items and things that will make excellent souvenirs. It's definitely an experience.

For airline tickets to Manaus, there's really no need to delay. Book as far possible in advance to receive the best savings possible with Flighthub.

The Archipelago of Anavilhanas is another favorite. This gorgeous wildlife preserve with white sand beaches-yes, white sand beaches. Who knew that jungle and beach could go hand in hand? It's an extraordinary place to see all series of wildlife, such as crocodiles, snakes, dolphins and amazing types of bird species.

Flights and Accommodations

Cheap flights to Manaus can be found with ease on Flighthub's high powered travel site, in addition to hotels in Manaus. Whether you need a last minute flight for tomorrow or you want to book a trip a year in advance, make it Flighthub. With savings like ours, there's no need to even second guess.

Information about travelling to Manaus

  • Average temperature in Manaus
    31 °C
  • Average temperature in winter for Manaus
    30 °C
  • Average temperature in summer for Manaus
    31 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(BRL) = USD 0.17(USD)

Airports of Manaus

Eduardo Gomes International