Cheap Flights to Amritsar

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How much do things cost in Amritsar?
Water bottle (1.5 liter) USD 0.30
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 1.33
Lettuce USD 0.32
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.02
Potato (1kg) USD 0.42
Cappuccino USD 1.29
1 Summer dress in a chain store USD 24.94
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 0.12
Fitness club, monthly fee for 1 adult USD 9.15
Apples (1kg) USD 1.66
* All price are converted to USD

About Amritsar

Amritsar is also known as Ambarasar and located on the northwest side of Chandigah. It is close to the western Indian border to Pakistan. The city is the site of Amritsar administrative headquarters in the Punjab and the home of Sikh religion where Harmandir Sahib Shrine stands as the center of Sikh religion in Indian. The city is often tagged as "the Golden City" plainly because of this temple.

It is said that Ambarsar's Harmnadir Sahib Shrine has more visitor than Taj Mahal with guests coming from different parts of Indian and other parts of the world. Sri Guru Ram Dass, Amritsar international airport has daily flights most are cheap flights to Amritsar connecting to Mumbai, Delhi and other nearby Indian states. Amritsar is also close to Allama Iqbal International Airport serving cheap flights to Amritsar from Pakistan.

Rickshaw and autorickshaw are the common public transportation within the city. There are also buses and taxi terminal in the city for easy connections from Amritzar to other cities of Amritsar Province. If you are on the road, keep tight watch on your belongings like mobile phones, camera and purse as snatching is common in the city especially during heavy traffic. Take the autorickshaw if you want to reach your destination on time and to get away quick from pollution.

Amritsar receives thousands of visitors because of Hamandir Sahib. The temple is a magnificent structure with decorative gilding and marble works dating from 19th century. The temple has golden plating that makes the temple glow at night. The temple is a spectacular sight at night as viewed from the surrounding of a large lake or Holy tank. The temple has four entrances and visitors have to go down steps to enter the temple.

Many of Amritsar guests are temple worshipers and the city has devoted a large area to build accommodation places for its quests. Many hotels in Amritsar are 5 star hotels providing luxury accommodation. There are also budget hotels for travelers with limited budget. But, the most interesting accommodation is provided by farmhouse estate or home stay type of accommodation. Most of these home stay and farmhouse are formerly homes of Amritsar families and cater to big groups of families that wish to experience the warm hospitality of the locals. Most of these home stay are built similar to those of the Punjab landlords, with courtyards and iron gates.

Information about travelling to Amritsar

  • Average rain for this month in Amritsar
    31.3 mm
  • Average temperature for this month in Amritsar
    18 °C
  • Minimum temperature during the year in Amritsar
    -2 °C
  • Currency exchange rate
    ₹1.00(INR) = USD 0.01(USD)

Airports of Amritsar

Raja Sansi International Airport