Cheap Flights to Al Matariyah

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How much do things cost in Al Matariyah?
1 Summer dress in a chain store USD 51.63
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 0.26
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 0.14
1 Pair of men leather shoes USD 55.72
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 9.79
Cinema, international release, 1 seat USD 4.20
Coke bottle USD 0.42
Rice (white) USD 0.71
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 4.90
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 239.74
* All price are converted to USD

About Al Matariyah

When people think of Egypt, the first thought on their minds will be the amazing pyramids and of course, the Nile. These are some of the common images of Egypt that people know about and these are the attractions that easily attract travelers from different parts of the world to this country. Aside from these, there are other parts of Egypt that are worth seeing and traveling to. There are different cities here, each with its own series of offerings for its foreign visitors. One such area is called Al Matariyah which belongs to the northern region of Cairo. This particular area belongs to an ancient Egyptian city called Heliopolis.

Out of all the country’s ancient cities, this is probably one of the oldest in existence. The origins of the area’s name can be traced back to the time of Christ. It was actually named after the Virgin Mary because of a tree existing in the area that is said to be where Joseph, Mary, and Jesus stayed for shelter. The name Matariyah means mother. Today, there are plenty of opportunities for vacationers to travel to this city since a number of cheap flights to Al Matariyah are readily available.

There are a ton of ancient sites that can be found all over Al Matariyah including a number of archaeological sites which have been said to have housed plenty of relics that now reside in the Central Cairo Museum of Antiquities. Travelers to this part of the world should first visit the tree of the Virgin Mary, the tree the area was named after, when they fly here. A tour down the local archaeological sites is also a must. Visiting the famous villas including that of Ibn Hani’s Vineyard should be included in the itinerary as well. The Masalla Obelisk is another attraction that travelers with cheap flights to Al Matariyah will surely appreciate. This particular monument has been standing since the time of the Pharaohs.

There are several hotels in Al Matariyah that travelers can choose from. Saving money here is easy since they simply have to book early.

Information about travelling to Al Matariyah

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(EGP) = USD 0.02(USD)

Airports near Al Matariyah

Cairo International Airport (Cairo)