Cheap Flights to Abu Qurqas

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How much do things cost in Abu Qurqas?
Local cheese (1kg) USD 3.53
Tomato (1kg) USD 0.49
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 9.79
Taxi 1hour Waiting USD 2.31
Chicken breasts at the market USD 5.28
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 83.95
Eggs (12) USD 1.50
Taxi 1km USD 0.20
Coke bottle USD 0.42
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 49.14
* All price are converted to USD

About Abu Qurqas

Traveling is one of the greatest joys you can bring to your life. Taking a break from your usual daily tasks will refresh your spirit and make you more alive and energetic. We all need to take a break sometime. Life is not all about working and making money. This is also about giving yourself some time to enjoy and experience the wonderful world around us. If you haven’t been out for a trip then it is time you do your share of this beautiful experience. Book cheap flights to Abu Qurqas and enjoy a beautiful holiday to Egypt.

Bring some excitement to your life and experience the exotic beauty of Egypt where the first civilization began. Abu Qurgas is a district situated along Nile River’s western bank. This is about 22 kilometers from Minya. There are several interesting sites to visit within Abu Qurqas and the neighboring areas. Just opposite the area along the Nile River’s eastern bank is the famous rock tomb of Beni Hassan. You can access this famous destination from Abu Qurqas by taking a boat to the Nile river. Alternatively, you can take the car and follow the eastern road. Lying along the edge of the eastern Nile River banks is the village of Beni Hassan where you can find several ruins of ancient settlements. You can also find here several tombs which traces back to the Middle Kingdom around the 11th and 12th Dynasties. These are the tombs belonging to several princes and the dignitaries occupying the region of Oryx and Antelope. The tombs show inscriptions and scenes depicting the everyday life of the people in the area. The tombs stand about 39 feet high in bright stucco. Save money and book your trip during the low season.

Book cheap flights to Abu Qurqas and find many interesting sites to visit in Abu Qurqas including the Istable Antar which is about 2 kilometers from Beni Hasan. The Istable Antar is the rock temple of the cat-headed goddess of Pakhet. The temple traces back to the reign of Queen Hatshepsut during the 18th Dynasty.

You can find several hotels in Abu Qurqas where you can spend the night after an exhausting day tour around the area. There are different types of accommodations for various types of tourists. Get a hotel room which is perfect for your needs and style. There are several inns and budget hotels for travelers seeking cheaper rates and accommodation.

Information about travelling to Abu Qurqas

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(EGP) = USD 0.02(USD)

Airports near Abu Qurqas

Cairo International Airport (Cairo)