Cheap Flights from Seattle to Shanghai

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Facts about flights from Seattle to Shanghai
  • Usually, people stay 13 days when travelling from Seattle to Shanghai
  • It is on average $1,014.22 for a 2 stop(s) flight between Seattle and Shanghai
  • United Airlines offers the best deal (flight UA1332) between Seattle and Shanghai : 17h 35m at $845.21
  • Hainan Airlines offers the cheapest deal (flight HU446) between Seattle and Shanghai at $808.71
  • Flights between Seattle and Shanghai are rarely canceled
  • The cheapest month to fly between Seattle and Shanghai is march
Cost of living in Seattle and Shanghai
Seattle is 107% more expensive than Shanghai

  Seattle   Shanghai
Taxi start USD 2.50   USD 2.25
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 2.25   USD 0.48
Eggs (12) USD 2.59   USD 2.28
Cinema, international release, 1 seat USD 11.75   USD 12.85
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Seattle to Shanghai

  • Currency exchange rate
    ¥1.00(CNY) = USD 0.14(USD)
  • Most popular airline for this trip
    China Eastern Airlines
  • Distance between Shanghai and Seattle
    9 183 km
  • Seattle is 20% colder than Shanghai
    Shanghai : 20 °C
    Seattle : 16 °C
  • The temperature of Seattle and Shanghai is approximately the same for this month.
  • There is on average 17.8mm more rain in Seattle than Shanghai for this month
    Shanghai : 70 mm
    Seattle : 87.8 mm