Cheap Flights from Seattle to Las Vegas

1 Passenger
1 adult
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Facts about flights from Seattle to Las Vegas
  • The average cost for direct flight from Seattle to Las Vegas is $117.51
  • The average cost for 1 stop(s) flight from Seattle to Las Vegas is $215.95
  • Seattle and Las Vegas are usually served by direct flights
  • The cheapest month to fly between Seattle and Las Vegas is february
  • 2h 44m was the highest delay from Seattle to Las Vegas
  • Flights between Seattle and Las Vegas are rarely canceled
Cost of living in Seattle and Las Vegas
Seattle is 32% more expensive than Las Vegas

  Seattle   Las Vegas
Imported beer at restaurant USD 5.00   USD 4.50
Mid-range restaurant USD 60.00   USD 50.00
1 Summer dress in a chain store USD 41.67   USD 42.50
Taxi 1km USD 1.62   USD 2.80
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 1 530.08   USD 657.27
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Seattle to Las Vegas

  • There is on average 63.9mm more rain in Seattle than Las Vegas for this month
    Las Vegas : 23.9 mm
    Seattle : 87.8 mm
  • For this month, Seattle is 41% colder than Las Vegas
    Las Vegas : 17 °C
    Seattle : 10 °C
  • Distance between Las Vegas and Seattle
    1 403 km
  • Popular airlines who fly from Las Vegas to Seattle
    Alaska Airlines, Delta Air Lines, JetBlue Airways, Virgin America
  • Average flight duration between Las Vegas and Seattle
    2h 48m
  • Most popular airline for this trip
    Alaska Airlines