Cheap Flights from San Francisco to Dusseldorf

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Facts about flights from San Francisco to Dusseldorf
  • The cheapest month to fly between San Francisco and Dusseldorf is january
  • It is on average $750.38 for a 2 stop(s) flight between San Francisco and Dusseldorf
  • The average number of stop(s) between San Francisco and Dusseldorf is 1
  • Copenhagen Airport (CPH) is the most popular gateway between San Francisco and Dusseldorf
  • SAS offers the best and the cheapest deal (flight SK936) between San Francisco and Dusseldorf : 12h 50m at $601.61
  • Usually, people stay 11 days when travelling from San Francisco to Dusseldorf
Cost of living in San Francisco and Dusseldorf
San Francisco is 31% more expensive than Dusseldorf

  San Francisco   Dusseldorf
1 Summer dress in a chain store USD 46.36   USD 30.51
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 2 644.00   USD 780.79
Taxi start USD 3.50   USD 7.46
Potato (1kg) USD 3.11   USD 2.30
Oranges (1kg) USD 3.88   USD 3.04
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from San Francisco to Dusseldorf

  • Currency exchange rate
    €1.00(EUR) = USD 1.04(USD)
  • Average flight duration between Dusseldorf and San Francisco
    15h 26m
  • Airlines who fly from Dusseldorf to San Francisco
  • Distance between Dusseldorf and San Francisco
    8 968 km
  • San Francisco is 36% hotter than Dusseldorf
    Dusseldorf : 14 °C
    San Francisco : 19 °C
  • For this month, San Francisco is 114% hotter than Dusseldorf
    Dusseldorf : 7 °C
    San Francisco : 15 °C