Cheap Flights from Boston to Ticuantepe

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1 adult
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Cost of living in Boston and Ticuantepe
Boston is 233% more expensive than Ticuantepe

  Boston   Ticuantepe
Utilities (Electricity, Heating, ...) for medium apartment USD 204.32   USD 96.67
1 Pair of Nike shoes USD 95.45   USD 85.00
Chicken breasts at the market USD 8.02   USD 3.70
Imported beer at restaurant USD 6.00   USD 1.50
1 min. of prepaid mobile tariff USD 0.08   USD 0.45
* All price are converted to USD

Information about travelling from Boston to Ticuantepe

  • Boston is 45% colder than Ticuantepe
    Ticuantepe : 29 °C
    Boston : 16 °C
  • Most popular airline for this trip
    United Airlines
  • Airlines who fly from Ticuantepe to Boston
    United Airlines, Copa Airlines
  • Average flight duration between Ticuantepe and Boston
    6h 6m
  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(NIO) = USD 0.03(USD)
  • For this month, Boston is 83% colder than Ticuantepe
    Ticuantepe : 30 °C
    Boston : 5 °C