Cheap Flights to Tungi

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How much do things cost in Tungi?
Loaf of white bread USD 0.67
Local draught beer USD 3.35
Pack of cigarettes USD 2.11
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 5.15
Fitness club, monthly fee for 1 adult USD 27.83
Milk (1 liter) USD 0.79
Mid-range restaurant USD 13.20
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 11.59
Tomato (1kg) USD 0.62
Coke bottle USD 0.38
* All price are converted to USD

About Tungi

Tungi is one of the prominent places in Bangladesh. As the country is known for its culture, Tungi also has its specific appeal that many tourists wish to experience personally by traveling. Among its famous tourist attractions is its geographical and nature resources and traditions only practiced in the area. Through cheap flights to Tungi, you can visit the site without problems and even save money in the process.

The place’s geographical location is one of the reasons this place has notable nature sites offered to tourists. It has elevated areas giving a scenic view of the city and its surroundings. Hence, you can simply visit the area and find its beautiful angles for photography or capture it in your memory. This ensures you will have a relaxing tour in the area while taking advantage of the conveniences that come with it.

Aside from nature sites and scenic tours, Tungi is also famous for seeing a traditional event that only occurs in the area. The place is known for seeing an overloaded train cab filled with individuals who are arriving home from their three-day Islamic pilgrimage activity. For some individuals, this sight may be uncomfortable for their eyes but for the locals who take part in these Islamic activities, it is the sign of their devotion in their beliefs and tradition. So, if you have a chance to see this sight, you can say that you have become a part of an important event in the place. Several hotels in Tungi offer their services to those who wish to be in the area at this time of the year to see this memorable sight.

Lastly, you can further explore the place by checking local shops and restaurants extending services to tourists. Be sure to visit these establishments because of they also serve as the place’s extension of its cultural practices and tradition.

Finding cheap flights to Tungi is now an easy thing with the help of online portals comparing flight deals today. Check these sites regularly and be updated with the latest deals coming from popular airline companies to experience this memorable tour.

Information about travelling to Tungi

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(BDT) = USD 0.01(USD)
  • Average rain for this month in Tungi
    0 mm
  • Average temperature in Tungi
    31 °C
  • Minimum temperature during the year in Tungi
    6 °C

Airports near Tungi

Zia International (Dhaka)