Cheap Flights to Reus

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How much do things cost in Reus?
Mid range bottle of wine USD 5.42
Monthly Pass (local transport) USD 53.90
Imported beer at restaurant USD 4.07
Mid-range restaurant USD 40.68
Rice (white) USD 1.22
Local draught beer USD 2.71
Apartment (1 bedroom) outside of centre USD 338.98
Cinema, international release, 1 seat USD 10.64
Water bottle (1.5 liter) USD 0.61
One-way ticket (local transport) USD 2.00
* All price are converted to USD

About Reus

If you love architecture, rock climbing and wine, Reus is the city to go to. It is the birthplace of famous architect Antoni Gaudí and has some of the grandest buildings in Spain. The city is well connected with the rest of Europe by air and the Reus airport has state-of-the-art facilities. Recently, some of the most reputed yet budget friendly airlines have started offering cheap flights to Reus and as a result, more people have started visiting the city. There are both large and small economical hotels in Reus and some of them feature great restaurants. You should book your room after checking their facilities online.

One of the most famous buildings of Reus is Casa Navàs. It was built more than a century ago and was beautifully decorated using marbles. The tower on the left façade was destroyed during the Spanish Civil War. The design and interior of the building is still the same after 100 years and thus can offer you a glimpse of early 20th century architecture.

Some of the other famous buildings of this city include Casa Rull, Casa Gasull and Casa Pinyol. Casa Rull is the headquarters of the cultural department of the city and cultural events are often hosted inside the building and adjoining garden area. Casa Gasull is situated close to the building and it is the perfect epitome of Catalan Modernista style. Both these buildings are designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner.

L'Institut Pere Mata is a famous tourist destination of Reus. It looks similar to Hospital Sant Pau in Barcelona. L'Institut Pere Mata is a psychiatric hospital and one of its pavilions is open to visitors.

The Museo Comarcal Salvador Vilaseca is a very famous museum and the exhibited items take you to a historical journey of Reus. Some of the priceless possessions of this museum are 16th and 17th century ceramics, two Baroque religious statues and the archaeological remains from Roman and prehistoric periods.

Plaça de Prim is the epicenter of the nightlife of Reus. The main attraction of the plaza is the statue of General Prim. You can take your partner to this famous plaza and have a blast.

Since most people do not like spending much on traveling, try to book your tickets in advance because cheap flights to Reus often get occupied during festivals.

Information about travelling to Reus

  • Currency exchange rate
    €1.00(EUR) = USD 1.05(USD)

Airports of Reus
