Cheap Flights to Limon

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How much do things cost in Limon?
Coke bottle USD 1.33
* All price are converted to USD

About Limon

The city of Puerto Limón is a very important spot in the northwest of Costa Rica. Two ports are housed in this city. This only means that it is very vital in the import and export industry of the country. For so many years now, the government has maintained it to be a very peaceful place. There are only a few cases of crime in the area. It is also way cleaner than the other ports in the rest of the world. Cheap flights to Puerto Limón are being monitored as well. This is to make sure that eventually no crime will happen in the city.

The versatility of the locals paved the way for cruise ships to function in this port. A lot of tourists love maximizing their trip to this place by buying tickets for a cruise. A sumptuous dinner for two or for the family is offered here. There are also bands that will serenade the night as everybody on board watches the night sky light up the body of water beneath it. The feeling when you are riding this is really inexplicable. It is just so amazing that no right words will fit into it.

Hotels in Limón are suited for those who are into living a lavish lifestyle. There are plenty of choices for those who are not comfortable staying at the usual bed with white sheets and covers. The features of the hotels here can be compared to those found in some of the 5–star ones all over the world, considering that the country is not even at the top when it comes to economy and tourism. Some of the hotels are available for long-term stays, too. This will be a very comfortable idea for those who would like to fully enjoy not just the city but its neighbors as well.

A lot of people from all over the world are already booking cheap flights to Limón. This is not shocking to know because this place really has something great to offer. The only thing to remember when visiting is to save up much money because the prices of the goods and services equal their quality.

Information about travelling to Limon

  • Currency exchange rate
    $1.00(CRC) cost less than USD 0.01(USD)
  • Average temperature for this month in Limon
    30 °C
  • Average temperature in winter for Limon
    28 °C
  • Average temperature in summer for Limon
    30 °C

Airports of Limon

Limon International Airport