Cheap Flights to Fontana

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Home Page    Cheap flights    North America    United States    Western United States    Fontana, CA
How much do things cost in Fontana?
Loaf of white bread USD 1.63
Gasoline (1 liter) USD 1.00
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in city centre USD 1 800.00
Combo meal at McDonalds USD 6.00
Mid range bottle of wine USD 6.38
Apartment (1 bedroom) in city centre USD 1 400.00
Water bottle (0.33 liter) USD 0.75
Internet (6 Mbps, unlimited data) USD 25.00
Potato (1kg) USD 1.50
* All price are converted to USD

About Fontana

California has some of the best attractions in the USA and is very popular with visitors. In San Bernardino County there are several lovely cities to see and Fontana definitely lives up to its motto of City of Action. Within a few miles of the San Gabriel Mountains the views are stunning and Cucamonga Peak overlooks the city of Fontana. The cheap flights to Fontana will get visitors to the heart of the action and are worth checking out.

One of the major draws of Fontana are the surrounding mountains which are prime hiking and climbing country. There are lots of classic trails and hikes here and the region is really popular. There are mountain biking trails too. The city also hosts the famous half marathon in town and Fontana’s is the fastest in the world. Fontana also has some lovely municipal parks and golf courses. Auto Club Speedway is another attraction in Fontana. Flighthub has the best deals to Fontana and is worth a look.

There are some interesting places to explore around Fontana. This is a wine producing area and a visit to see and perhaps taste the product is popular. There are other cities nearby such as Rancho Cucamonga and Los Angeles too. The draw of Hollywood and Universal Studios is huge and a must see sight for visitors. From tours of Beverly Hills to movie sets this is fun to see. The beaches along the coastline are also popular with visitors to this area. Fontana also has some lovely shops and galleries which are a delight to visit.

In Fontana there are some great places to eat and which serve both international and regional specialties. Visiting the farmers market in town is a great way to see the regional produce and pack up a picnic to eat on that walk in the mountains. The cheap flights to Fontana and other places in California are worth looking for and are just the start of a wonderful vacation.


Airports near Fontana

Ontario International (Ontario, CA)